Hobgoblins (film)

Hobgoblins is a 1988 lowbudget indie horrorcomedy Bmovie directed, written, and produced by Rick Sloane, who also served as cinematographer and editor. The plot concerns small, often considered cheaply designed and made hobgoblins Small demon like mythical and goblinlike creatures. The film is often seen as a ripoff of every small monster movie, but mainly Gremlins The film is generally considered to be of exceptionally poor quality, and has come to be regarded as one of the worst films ever made.

The film opens with a security guard named Dennis investigating a deserted film vault at an old movie studio. While inside, his fantasy of being a rock star comes to life, but he dies while performing on stage. His boss, Mr. McCreedy Jeffrey Culver, closes the door upon discovering the body.A young man named Kevin Tom Bartlett takes the vacant job so that he can impress his girlfriend Amy Paige Sullivan. After his first shift, he drives home to Amy, finding that his two friends, the sexcrazed Daphne Kelley Palmer and the dorky Kyle Steven Boggs, waiting for him, and Daphnes Army boyfriend Nick Billy Frank arrives. Nick and Kevin spar with rakes in a long, protracted, repetitive scene. After Kevin loses horribly, Amy berates him for his weaknesses while Daphne and Nick have sex in Nicks van in the background of the scene. ........

Source: Wikipedia